作者:三一六演讲网 发布时间:2021-02-28 浏览:0
Making a big career change isn"t easy, especially if you"ve got kids to support, a mortgage to pay, and a car to worry about. But if you"ve got the motivation, you can do it. Here"s how.
Tackle the golden question: If you had all the money in the world, what would you be doing with yourself? Don"t hold back. This is brainstorming time. Make a list of all the things you"d rather be doing with your time. Your first few answers will probably be something like: Take a tropical vacation, spend more time with the kids, etc. But push your thinking beyond that.
Evaluate your skills and talents. Ask yourself: What am I good at? What do I most enjoy doing? Write down every skill you"re capable of. Don"t be shy.
Start your job search and good luck!
Most people"s deepest vocational passions fall within three categories: teaching, healing, and creating. If your focus in your career is on doing one of these three things, you"re far more likely to draw satisfaction from your job.
Having a spouse with a steady job makes switching careers a lot easier, but is by no means necessary. You should, however, seek the moral support of friends and family.
Consider donating your time for free if your new chosen profession enables this, to help you gain some experience and meet people in the field.
Read What Color is Your Parachute, the "Job Hunter"s Bible," by Dick Bolles.
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